Dual Citizenship/Affidavit


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Article 4 of Law Number 12 of 2006
Child from a legitimate marriage of an Indonesian father with a foreign mother
Child from a legitimate marriage of a foreign father with an Indonesian mother
Child born out of wedlock to a foreign mother acknowledged by an Indonesian father as his child, the acknowledgment made before the age of 18 years/not yet married
Child born outside the territory of Indonesia from Indonesian father and mother, where the country of birth grants citizenship to the child

Article 5 of Law Number 12 of 2006
Child not legitimated legally by a foreign father before the age of 18 years and not yet married
Indonesian child under the age of 5 years adopted as a legitimate child by a foreigner based on a court ruling

In the case of Indonesian citizenship status as mentioned in Article 4 letters C, D, H, and L, and Article 5 results in dual citizenship, then after reaching 18 years of age or upon marriage, the individual must choose one citizenship.

This declaration must be made no later than 3 years after reaching 18 years of age or upon marriage.

Requirements for an affidavit for a mixed kids marriage in Indonesia typically include the following documents:

  1. Passport of the foreign national child: The foreign national child’s passport is required to establish their nationality and identity.
  2. KTP/ID (Kartu Tanda Penduduk/Identity Card) of both parents: The KTP/ID of the Indonesian parent and the foreign parent are necessary to verify their identities and citizenship.
  3. Akta Kelahiran (Birth Certificate) of the child: The child’s birth certificate is required to prove the child’s date of birth and parentage.
  4. Akta Pernikahan Orang Tua (Marriage Certificate of the Parents): The marriage certificate of the parents is needed to demonstrate the legal relationship between the child’s parents.



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